{Recipe Redux} Keepsake tablecloths, a chuppah and a healthy GORP recipe
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{Recipe Redux} Keepsake tablecloths, a chuppah and a healthy GORP recipe

Our Recipe Redux assignment proved to be an emotional one for me.  Our task was to blog about Treasured Cookware-and to share a story of classic cookware with a healthy recipe to go with it.  Naturally, my thoughts went directly to my Mother and my Grandmother’s keepsakes.   I have Nana’s gorgeous china and stemware sitting comfortably in their china and stemware protectors….having never once been used. I also have Mom’s table linens and napkins stored carefully in the closet and have used them exactly once. 

When Mom died 16 years ago, suffice it to say that I didn’t have the wearwithal to collect any of her belongings before they were all sold or donated. Oh, I wish I could turn back time-for so many reasons.

Stay with me now…and flash forward 9 years. 

When I married, I struggled with how I would incorporate my Mom-and her memory-into our wedding ceremony. One of my siblings gave me Mom’s table linens to help create what’s called a chuppah -a traditional Jewish marriage canopy that symbolizes the home that the couple will build together. Coupled with my my grandfather’s prayer shawl, Mom’s linens created a stunning focal point for the most important day of my life.  



Her napkins were wrapped tightly around the tops of the poles that held the structure together.  It was as though I could feel Mom hugging us as we said our vows.  Surrounded with something from her life-and her kitchen-was truly the best way I could represent her as I took my first steps into the future with my husband. 


While linens aren’t exactly cookware, I’m hopeful that the founders of Recipe Redux will let this slide…..
Switching gears now….
I grew up eating something simply known as “Mom’s Mix”.  The combination of equal parts of salty, dry roasted peanuts, M & M’s and raisins-now known as GORP-is a recipe I use consisently, but with a few minor changes.  By using unsalted nuts, fewer raisins and dark chocolate vs. milk, it’s now a snack I have several times a week. Portioning it in my sons “baby bowls” helps keep one from overindulging. The simple changes to this recipe yield the exact same results in taste, flavor and most of all for me, memories. 
Mom’s Mix
3/4 cup raisins
1 cup unsalted peanuts or almonds
1/2 cup mini dark chocolate chips
Mix together and store in an air tight container. 

No Comments
  • Jessica @ Nutritioulicious
    Posted at 21:08h, 22 April

    Robin, I just got the chills reading about your chuppah. What a beautiful use of your mother’s table linens and the symbolism that goes with them.

    • Robin
      Posted at 22:03h, 22 April

      Jessica-thanks so much–you really GET it!

  • Diane Boyd
    Posted at 08:37h, 23 April

    Robin, reading your story brought tears to my eyes. Losing a mother is monumental. Great that you found such a beautiful way to express your memory of her on your special day!

    • Robin
      Posted at 17:18h, 23 April

      Oh Diane, you made me smile. Yes, losing a mother is monumental. More so than I ever thought possible, especially, I think, because it happened before all of my big life events, namely wedding, baby and career. I so appreciate your comments…..thank you.

  • Regan @ The Healthy Aperture Blog
    Posted at 15:00h, 23 April

    A beautiful story from one of my most beautiful friends 🙂 Yes, friend… linens count. Treasures are treasures no matter if they cook, serve or simply hug from above 🙂

    • Robin
      Posted at 17:22h, 23 April

      Thanks, friend. We’ll have to toast to treasures the next time we are in the same city.