The New York City Bagel
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The New York City Bagel

NYC bagel


Look at it. I mean, just LOOK AT IT.  The seeds and bits of onion on the bagel.  The generous amount of cream cheese. The pinky rose colored lox. See that little chive on the left? Perfection. 

It’s a work of art. 

There are no good bagels in Dallas. I promise you.  Bagel stores? No more. (Unless you count Einstein’s, which, in this case, I don’t.) Delis have opened and closed. Blog posts and articles have been penned about the sad state of the deli and bagel situation in Dallas. And nothing happens. We just long for-and crave- good bagels. 

On a recent trip to Manhattan, that craving was finally met with a perfect everything bagel/cream cheese/lox bagel. Best Bagel and Coffee in Midtown is a hole in the wall establishment with lines out the door at 10AM on a Friday morning. The line moves fast and the service is good. Honestly, it wouldn’t have mattered if the line took and hour and the service was rude. It would have been worth it to experience the hand rolled, boiled-on-site circle of dough that had just the right chew and the right mix of salty (the lox), creamy (the cream cheese), seedy and savory (the bagel) flavor.  

It not only nourished my body, it nourished my soul. Brought me back to my roots. Reminded me of Jewish holidays and celebrations that consisted of “dairy only” food with my family. These meals consisted of  cheese blitntzes (often burned on one side and nearly raw on the other) with grape jelly, relish plates with lots of olives and pickles, tuna salad, noodle kugel and, if was a BIG celebration, whitefish salad and herring with rye bread made the table. To say that this bagel-and all the memories it jogged- was enjoyed is an understatement.

Far and away, it was the highlight of my trip. Well, that and my Bradley Cooper sighting. I’ll save that for another post. 


Photo credit: Loren Krasner


No Comments
  • Meme
    Posted at 18:45h, 13 November

    That looks AMAZING, Robin!! What a good highlight of your trip 🙂
    I just got back from New York and I totally missed out on that bagel {but I did have a really good steak and fries salad that I looooved}

    • Robin
      Posted at 21:16h, 13 November

      Meme–we must have just missed each other! 🙂 Hope you had a great trip!

  • Jessica @ Nutritioulicious
    Posted at 19:50h, 13 November

    LOVE IT!! My mouth is watering and I live in NY! I have never even heard of that place, but leave it to the people who visit NY to know where to go 😉 Sorry I missed seeing you this time around. Hopefully your next trip!

    • Robin
      Posted at 21:16h, 13 November

      Jessica, can you believe we found it on YELP? It’s seriously delish. Make it a point to visit the next time you are in Midtown!

  • gretchen | kumquat
    Posted at 20:44h, 13 November

    wow that bagel and bradley are a a close tie.

    • Robin
      Posted at 21:17h, 13 November

      GB, it truly is. Now if it were Mark Walhberg or Jake Gyllenhall, that would be another story.

  • Regan @ The Healthy Aperture Blog
    Posted at 05:02h, 14 November

    True confession — I’ve never had an NYC bagel. I know #SadSadSad

    I recall having “the best Bagel in Fort Lauderdale” according to my college roommate’s best friend, who was originally from NYC (and Jewish BTW) . And while I recall it being quite yummy, I wouldn’t say it was a life changing experience. Seriously… Fort Lauderdale and NYC. #NotTheSameThing

    Me thinks this means a future BB planning retreat needs to take place in NYC with bagel eating on the agenda.

    • Robin
      Posted at 12:48h, 14 November

      #ReallyRegan? In all the times you’ve taken Uber in NYC, you haven’t had them stop for a great bagel?

      Um, Fort Lauderdale is theoretically a suburb of NYC when you consider all of the snowbirds that head that way from NYC and subsequently move there permanently. However, it’s just not the same.

      Yes to BB planning retreat!!

  • Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
    Posted at 10:58h, 14 November

    I really need to get a good bagel! (Has to be BF and vegan though!)