Seedy Almond and Ramen Salad Topper
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ramen noodle salad topper

Seedy Almond and Ramen Salad Topper

In a glorious twist of fate, I took the afternoon off yesterday and spent it with my son. 

I needed a day off.

For those of you who are self-employed, you know how hard it is to truly give yourself a day off. It had been a rough week and I needed something to reenergize my heart, mind, body and spirit. You see, I’ve been feeling spirit-deficient lately…a combination of many things, I think.  I’m fine feeling spirit-deficient every once in a while.  I’m fine feeling however it is I need to feel whenever I need to feel it. As I tell my son–it’s okay to feel crabby/angry/dissapointed–everyone feels that way sometimes. But, when one of my VBFF’s even commented that she’d never seen or heard me quite like this before, I knew it was time to re-energize my spirit–along with my mind, body, and heart.

In that vein, my son and I did the things we love to do…..volunteer at Operation Kindness, get foot massages (yes-we both LOVE them!), lunched at Potbelly’s and then spent a significant amount of time at our local library.


Operation Kindness


Potbelly Sandwiches


Returning home, he went to “rest” and I headed to the kitchen. To comfort my soul, I needed to cook. And it needed to be comfort food.

This salad topping comes from my sister-in-law, Gail, who has been a part of my family for at least thirty years. She was at my high school graduation, for God’s sake! She is responsible for some of my favorite family dishes and has been making this one for years. It’s the recipes my niece asks for when she comes home from college. This topper is one part of a larger salad that has red and green leaf lettuces and an Asian-inspired salad dressing. Truthfully, this works well on any salad, or anytime you’re looking for a crunch. 


ramen noodle salad topper


1 stick of butter1 cup sliced almonds

1 cup sliced almonds

2 pkg Ramen noodles (broken)

4 T sesame seeds

3 T ground flaxseed



Melt butter in a large saucepan over medium-high heat.  Add almonds, noodles, sesame and flax seeds. Stir until well coated.   Continue stirring until almonds are fragrant and mixture turns a light brown.

Remove from heat and allow to cool.

Store in air tight container.

Makes approximately 4 1/2 cups.


Once this mixture cooled, I stood in the kitchen and enjoyed a few handfuls. The process, the ingredients, the smell, the fact that the recipe came from family–it all soothed my soul. I was comforted…and content. 

We topped off our day with an hour and a half walk with our three pups, complete with a pick-up game of basketball at a court near the school, and a trip to the mini dog park where my son climbed his favorite tree.  Finally, an early bed time for both of us. Ahhhh, sleep. 

Today was a good day. And I needed it.

Heart. Mind. Body. Spirit.

  • Katie | Healthy Seasonal Recipes
    Posted at 05:00h, 03 June

    You do deserve a day off! I have a hard time treating myself to one to, but they are necessary!

    • Robin
      Posted at 19:54h, 19 June

      Katie-it’s so important and I totally felt recharged. In fact, I’m ready for another one! Enjoy your day off!

  • Tommy R.
    Posted at 15:03h, 05 June

    Great post, as a fellow self-employed person I know what you mean on taking a break. Do you have any suggestions on an accompanying dressing to go with this topper?

    • Robin
      Posted at 19:54h, 19 June

      Tommy, thanks so much for stopping by. I love a quick splash of oil and red wine. Something to give it some flavor, but not overpower the topping. Enjoy!!

  • Danielle Omar
    Posted at 12:13h, 08 June

    what an awesome idea, Robin!

    • Robin
      Posted at 19:54h, 19 June

      Thanks, DO!!

  • Lauren Harris-Pincus
    Posted at 20:04h, 08 June

    Ramen makes the best salad topper!

    • Robin
      Posted at 19:55h, 19 June

      This is the only ramen salad topper I know–do you have others?

  • Aggie
    Posted at 05:23h, 10 June

    I have to make this, I love crunch in my salad and this is giving me serious cravings!!! 🙂
    I understand your feelings of spirit deficiency, good for you for recognizing it and taking a day with your son to reenergize. It sounds like the perfect day!

    • Robin
      Posted at 19:55h, 19 June

      It was a perfect day! In fact, I’m ready for another one. 🙂