Inside the Fridge welcomes healthy living blogger Kara Lydon from The Foodie Dietitian
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Inside the Fridge welcomes healthy living blogger Kara Lydon from The Foodie Dietitian


I’m excited to have Kara Lydon, RD, LDN, RYT on Inside the Fridge today.

This. girl. is. a powerhouse.


Kara Lydon's Irish Raisin Bread


When she sets her mind to something, she accomplishes it. She wanted to become a yoga teacher-poof! Done. Post every single day on The Foodie Dietitian? Done. Create delish recipes (Cauliflower buffalo wings? Waaa????) and snap gorgeous food pics? Done and done.

When she wants to chill out, she hangs with her “imperial cat”, Constantine, checks out the restaurant scene in her town of Boston and, I suspect, is now busily planning a wedding as she is recently engaged to her long-time beau, Steve! Follow Kara: 

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On to the questions…..

Where do you shop for food?

Most often, I shop at our neighborhood co-op market where Steve (my fiancée) and I are members. It’s within walking distance from our apartment and I love putting my food dollars into local businesses. If the co-op doesn’t have what I need or I’m looking for some fresh seafood, I go to Whole Foods. Oh, and from June – October, you can find me at the Farmer’s Market for produce.

Do you love food shopping or dread it? Why?

Total nerd disclaimer here: it’s a little embarrassing how much I enjoy food shopping. I totally geek out over putting together a grocery list and then once I get to the store, I gawk over fresh produce and get excited about discovering new products on store shelves.

What is the single most important thing on your mind when you are shopping for food?

Probably seasonality. I try my hardest to let seasonal produce take center stage in my cooking. Because for one seasonal produce is going to be the most fresh (and highest in nutrients), it’s going to be the most reasonably priced, and the most likely to be local.

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How many do you shop for? 

Shopping for two. Steve and I. Three if you count cat food for our cat child, Constantine

How do you plan your weekly meals? Create a spreadsheet or fly by the seat of your pants?

A little bit of both. But I find that that the more I plan ahead, the less I’m tempted to order take-out or eat out. I’ve been trying to get better about planning out meals for the week and grocery shopping on Sunday so that we’re all set for the week ahead.

What is the most coveted food in the fridge right now for each member of the household? Why?

For me, it’s butter. But not just any butter. Vermont Creamery Sea Salt Butter. It’s European cultured butter so it spreads almost like a soft cheese and is so creamy and delicious.

For Steve, it’s probably Fage Greek yogurt. He downs cups of Greek yogurt like it’s candy.

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Do you believe in leftovers? 

Uh, if there was a religion for cooking, leftovers would be my savior. I cannot live without leftovers! As much as I love to cook, I don’t love cooking every day of my life so I rely on making large batches of soups, stews, pastas, etc. to hold us throughout the week. I’m a big fan of leftovers for lunch too. 

When you hear the word “homemade” what is the first thing that comes to mind?

 Fresh and made with love. The meals that I cook from scratch that are homemade are the ones I’m most proud of to share with others and the most delicious! For me, food is love. And if I can make homemade meals for others, that’s my way of sharing my love with them.

 What food/s are important when recalling food memories?

Irish and Italian foods take the cake here. My late grandmother on my Mom’s side was Irish and made the BEST Irish Raisin Bread. (Photo above) And my grandmother on my Dad’s side is Italian and I grew up eating her red sauce on the regular. It still brings me back to my childhood and evokes a certain nostalgia every time I eat it. 

What are your go to food/nutrition/culinary/cooking website, book or cookbook?

Right now, I’m obsessed with Yotam Ottolenghi’s cookbook Plenty More. I got the cookbook for Christmas and highly recommend it if you want to take vegetable dishes to the next level. I’m amazed at how every dish I’ve made from the book so far has taken my taste buds for a serious ride (in the best way possible).

What was the last meal you cooked from scratch? What was the menu?

I just made shakshuka for Sunday brunch for Steve and I (and to post on the blog later this month), which is traditionally a Middle Eastern dish of eggs poached in a spicy tomato stew and sopped up with fresh baked bread or pita. It was delicious. 

What words of wisdom or advice do you have for other folks who are doing their best every day to fill the fridge?

 Take advantage of leftovers. They are your friend. And the more you can plan ahead, the better you’ll be at keeping the fridge packed with healthy food.


No Comments
  • Kit Broihier
    Posted at 13:14h, 14 January

    Love this post! I follow Kara and agree that she’s a dynamo. Plus, I love seeing at what other people have in their fridge (and what people put in their carts at the supermarket)—I may be weird, but I’d bet it’s pretty typical for a dietitian! love your blog, Robin!

    • Robin
      Posted at 13:26h, 16 January

      Thanks so much, Kit. I think we are all food voyeyers in some way, shape or form! Would love to feature you on an upcoming ITF—please LMK if you are interested. Thanks for stopping by!

  • Farrah
    Posted at 23:38h, 15 January

    I love this post! <3 Kara's recipes always look so amazing, and I love her comment about leftovers, hahaha. 😛 They make my life as well!

    • Robin
      Posted at 13:22h, 16 January

      Kara makes this healthy living thing doable for sure!