Inside the Fridge Welcomes 8-year-old Healthy Eating Advocate Nicolas Come
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Inside the Fridge Welcomes 8-year-old Healthy Eating Advocate Nicolas Come

Eight-year-old Nicolas Come had an epiphany last year; while other kids his age were playing with their friends or mastering basic mathematics in school, the self-proclaimed, “Picky Eater” Nicolas decided to develop an entirely new, digital business model to support First Lady Obama’s efforts, promoting healthier living and fighting childhood obesity.

Knowing how much he enjoyed learning to grow his own food, and cooking the resulting, healthy ingredients with his family, he outlined and diagrammed an idea for a mobile application and supporting technology that would be, “by kids; for kids” — allowing them to share healthy recipes, cooking training and tips, and other healthy options in an easy, fun, digital format.

Convinced and emboldened that his idea was important, Nicolas bravely pitched his idea (by himself, while standing on a chair) to over 90 technical experts during a recent Sacramento Hacker Lab “Hackathon” (a weekend coding competition), recruited a team of designers and content developers, and ultimately developed the concept for this new digital platform, known as, “Nicolas’ Garden.” 

{Nicolas’ dad says, “I have asked all questions to Nicolas directly.”}

What is your favorite meal to prepare (or help prepare)?
Nicolas: Nicolas’ California Sunshine. It is a chicken curry sauce served with brown rice, vegetables and fruits. It is fun to make and tastes really good. You can find the recipe on my app.

Do you love food shopping or dread it?
Nicolas: I really like to go shopping with Dad. I can do most of the shopping myself now.

Do you follow a recipe or make a dish up yourself?
Nicolas: I don’t follow a recipe. I make the dishes that my parents taught me.

When you hear the word “homemade” what is the first thing that comes to mind?
Nicolas: Something from our kitchen!

If one person could cook for you tonight, who would it be?
Nicolas: Dad!

What is your favorite vegetable?
Nicolas: Garlic is my favorite. I use it in a lot of dishes.

What are you working on these days that you’d like to tell us about?
Nicolas: I just learned to make ratatouille.

What is the last thing you made in the kitchen?
Nicolas: Actually, I just made ratatouille for my second time tonight.

Anything else you’d like to tell us about?
Nicolas: Thank you for helping me grow my mission to make kids healthier. I’m hoping that my app will encourage families to cook together and eat better. It is fun to be in the kitchen and make something really yummy. You can follow me on Facebook and Twitter and also YouTube. Thank you!

Thanks Nicolas! If you would like to be featured on Inside the Fridge, please email Robinsbite intern Destini Borchardt-

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