Inside the Fridge 2013 Roundup: Registered Dietitians
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Inside the Fridge 2013 Roundup: Registered Dietitians

     ITF collage



It’s been quite a few years for our little Inside the Fridge feature. We’re proud to say that we’ve been able to go “behind the fridge scenes” of some our favorite dietitians, chefs, foodies, moms, and bloggers. They have exposed their personal fridge belongings to the world of social media through a series of photos and surveys. They’ve shared their  view on what makes homemade homemade, on if grocery shopping is a chore or a pleasure, how their shopping has changed over the last 10 years and have even divulged their weekly shopping budget. Through it all, we’ve laughed, cried (well, maybe not CRIED), nodded in agreement, gotten a recipe idea or two and have thought more than one, “that’s a CLEAN fridge!” Most of all, we’ve appreciated each of their approaches to food, cooking and healthy eating. To each of them, we say thank you. 

This week, we reminisce with the amazing dietitians who have shared their nutritional wisdom with us here, on Inside the Fridge.


1. Inside the Fridge welcomed Mommy Dietitian, Angela Lemond

Angela Lemond is a registered and licensed dietitian with specialties in pediatric and family nutrition.  As a mother of 2 young children, she knows firsthand the challenges that families are dealing with when raising a healthy family.  Angela is a mom blogger at Mommy Dietitian where she shares her knowledge, tips and family stories.  




ITF: Do you believe in leftovers?

AL: Absolutely!!  We love to do leftovers or create what I call “chameleo-meals” with leftover meats or side dishes. We also eat leftovers a lot for lunch the next day, which is super convenient.


2. Inside the Fridge welcomed Amber Massey

Amber is a personal chef and chief blogger of Chocolate Broccoli. Amber is a master of developing recipes that encourage her readers to get back in to the kitchen, tossing out the idea that taste and nutrition can’t happily coexist. Amber, a Registered Dietitian, is a constant encourager of avoiding the diet mentality and promoting appreciation of real food.




ITF: What is the most coveted food in the fridge right now for each member of the household? Why? 

AM: We LOVE dairy!  (Low-fat/Fat-Free) Cheeses, yogurt, milk (of all varieties!), sour cream.. ice cream!  You name it- my  Fireman and I love it.  While my husband will eat his weight in ice cream- he will occasionally enjoy strawberry Greek yogurt for dessert instead. 


3. Inside the Fridge welcomed Anna Schlacter

Anna Shlachter is a registered dietitian nutritionist (RDN) and blogger who loves to blend health and flavor. She works to lead a healthy lifestyle that includes, eating well, sleeping plenty, finding ways to relax, spending time with her kritters and physical activity. Her husband, is the general manager at a sports bar and prefers the “look” of restaurant style dishes. To achieve this, Anna and her husband focus on plating and garnishing their food. They find this small effort goes a long way!




ITF: What words of wisdom or advice do you have for other folks who are doing their best every day to fill the fridge?

AS: Everyone can eat well.  Budget shop and look for resources.  Plan and prep ahead-meals and snacks are so much easier this way. Think back to the basics and forget the newest hype in a container or box.  Think outside the box and try “real” foods in different ways. 


4. Inside the Fridge welcomed Dietitian and media personality Sarah Jane Bedwell

Inside the fridge welcomes Sarah-Jane Bedwell, RD, media personality and national speaker! Sarah-Jane has appeared regularly on the TODAY Show during the past year and was just featured this morning recommending Fat-blasting 5 minute meals. Check it out! She also volunteers to create parent tip TV spots for Nashville Public Television. She was selected as the 2010 Emerging Dietetics Leader in Nashville and serves as a Media Spokesperson for the Tennessee Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. As the official “Eat Like Me” food and nutrition blogger for SELF Magazine, Sarah-Jane has a valuable platform in which she can share information that she is both knowledgeable and passionate about!

ITF sarah


ITF: What convenience product can you not live without?

SB: Pre-chopped onions-every recipe calls for them and so the pre-chopped version saves so much time-not to mention tears! :)


5. Inside the Fridge welcomed vegan author Ginny Messina

Ginny Messina, MPH, RD writes and speaks about vegetarian and vegan diets for both the public and health professionals. She is the co-author of Vegan for Life and Vegan for Her and has also co-authored the textbook The Dietitians’ Guide to Vegetarian Diets. Ginny lives in Port Townsend, Washington with her husband and an ever-changing population of rescued cats. She blogs at and is TheVeganRD on twitter and facebook.

itf ginny


ITF: Do you believe in leftovers?

GM: Absolutely—my bulk cooking is sort of a leftover-dependent plan.


6. Inside the Fridge welcomed gluten-free guru Rachel Begun

Rachel Begun, MS, RDN educates the public on matters of food and nutrition as a writer, blogger, speaker and national media spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. She is also a consultant to the food industry, including manufacturers, retailers, and foodservice and hospitality providers.  You can connect with Rachel on FacebookTwitterLinkedIn and Pinterest and learn more about her

itf rach


ITF: How have your cooking/shopping habits changed over the last 10 years?  

RB: I am a much more adventurous cook.  Whereas I used to rely on cookbooks and recipes to make anything beyond the basics, now I just trust my judgment and wing it.  I used to hate shopping; it was just a chore to cross off my list. I now look forward to it and envision all the yummy meals I will make with the foods I’m buying.


7. Inside the Fridge welcomes Sharon Palmer 

Sharon Palmer is a dietitian, plant-based nutrition expert, writer, and author of The Plant-Powered Diet. She has built an award-winning career based on her two great loves: healthy food and writing. Over 850 of her articles have been published in a variety of publications, and Sharon speaks on nutrition for audiences around the world. You can sign up for her newsletter or read her blog The Plant-Powered Dietitian. Sharon lives in the hills overlooking Los Angeles with her husband and two sons. Follow Sharon on Facebook ,Twitter and Pinterest!

itf sharon


ITF: Do you love food shopping or dread it?

SP: I do love shopping, but I always like to have time–I love to spend time on weekends at farmers markets. It’s so fun to walk around and see the colorful, fresh produce and imagine what you can do with it. I do not enjoy shopping on busy nights of the week after work. I prefer doing my shopping on Sunday so I can prepare for the week.

8. Inside the Fridge welcomed RD, Deanna Segrave Daly

Based in Philadelphia, Deanna is a seasoned communications consultant and “food loving” registered dietitian specializing in nutrition and culinary projects. With fellow RD, Serena Ball, she co-owns Teaspoon Communications, a food-focused nutrition communications group that consults with a variety of health and food organizations. She has conducted hundreds of media interviews locally and nationally on a variety of topics ranging from healthy cooking tips to school nutrition. Her 5-year old daughter and “picky eater” husband keep her inspired to create appealing, good-for-you family cuisine.

itf deanna


ITF: What are you working on these days that you’d like to tell us about?

DD: The Recipe ReDux – a community of healthy food bloggers that believe all healthy food should be delicious – is really growing as it heads into it’s third year. My co-founders, Regan Jones & Serena Ball and I have some fun things in store – consider joining us (Robin is a fellow member!) Visit 


9. Inside the Fridge welcomed Melissa Joy Dobbins

Melissa is an award-winning registered dietitian nutritionist and the owner of Sound Bites, Inc., where she promotes “sound science, smart nutrition and good food.”  In her blog “Lights, Camera, Nutrition!” Melissa interviews and promotes dietitians, sharing nutrition communications tips and tricks.  Melissa is seasoned communications professional who enjoys coaching dietitians individually on how to create more visibility and success within their own careers. You can check out Melissa’s blog, follow her on Twitter , and pinterest.

itf melissa


ITF: What words of wisdom or advice do you have for other folks who are doing their best every day to fill the fridge?

MJD: Definitely think “outside the fridge!” Healthy food does not just mean fresh produce- think in terms of “nutrient-rich” foods. And remember, dietitians are NOT the “food police” – we’re more like coaches than referees!  So seek the help of an RD if you want to improve what’s in YOUR fridge.


Thanks to Angela, Amber, Anna, Rachel, Sarah, Ginny, Sharon, Deanna & Melissa! 


If you would like to be featured on Inside the Fridge please email Robinsbite intern, Jaime Ruisi-

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