FNCE 2013 & Avocado Smoothies
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FNCE 2013 & Avocado Smoothies

Intern Kylie here!

This weekend was FNCE.  I am exhausted.

Avocado Smoothie (5 of 5)

However, more than exhausted I feel rather empowered to go and be successful. Develop a brand.  Start a business.  Continue to network.  There is NO way you can spend a weekend around registered dietitian greats and not feel inspired.

For those of you who don’t know what FNCE stands for, it’s the Food & Nutrition Conference & Expo.  It’s an annual meeting put on by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics for food and nutrition professionals.


At FNCE, I had the opportunity to attend 4 sessions that ranged in topics from social media to food photography/video to nontraditional career paths for dietitians. In between the sessions, I got to meet dietitians/bloggers who I had been wanting to meet for over a year, attended an amazing dinner with Robin at Underbelly that was sponsored by The National Dairy Council, go to dinner with successful RD bloggers and walk around the Expo.
FNCE_blendtecFNCE_avocado smoothie



Expos are fun. Especially expos that involve only food and nutrition things (aka all the happy things in life, in my opinion).  While wandering around, I came across a nice man making smoothies.  Avocado smoothie to be exact. I had been meaning to add avocados to my smoothie for quite a while now, but I just never got around to it.  I tasted the smoothie and it was creamy and perfect.

So obviously I had to recreate the smoothie for myself.  Except I left out the protein powder and spinach, and added in kale.

Avocado Smoothie (1 of 5)

I went with kale because I’m more of a kale smoothie person than a spinach smoothie person.  I feel like the kale flavor isn’t as pronounced and vegetable-y.  Made with spinach or kale, this smoothie will provide you with a source of potassium, vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin K and fiber.  Sounds like a great breakfast or snack to me.

Avocado Smoothie (3 of 5)

[yumprint-recipe id=’14’]Avocado Smoothie (4 of 5)

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