06 Jul The Ultimate Peanut Butter & Jelly Sandwich
Recipe ReDux is 5 years old! And what 5 year old doesn’t love Peanut Butter & Jelly? Hang on–that will come into play in just a second. In celebration of this momentous occasion, our founders gave us an easy challenge.
For ReDux’s birthday month, let’s celebrate each other!
Pick a fellow ReDuxer, go to their blog and create a recipe inspired by them.
Robinsbite intern Cortney O’Rear takes the helm of this blog post and it’s only fitting that she has chosen former Robinsbite intern Kylie Mitchell, MPH, RDN to celebrate. AND, it’s only fitting that Cortney found out about this internship opportunity because of Kylie. See how it all comes full circle?
I’ll let Cortney take it from here…..
To celebrate Redux’s birthday month, I chose Recipe Reduxer Kylie Mitchell from immaeatthat! Kylie has inspired me in both my future as a dietitian and a food blogger. Immaeatthat was the first food blog I started following because of Kylie, obviously, and the message she portrays through her blogging. Kylie motivates her readers to have NO food rules and to create a healthy relationship with food. I feel as if I can relate to her story, so this has motivated me to share my own story through food blogging.
I chose to make Kylie’s recipe for olive oil, sea salt and cocoa bread to make the ultimate peanut butter and jelly sandwich because you just can’t ever go wrong with a pb&j. Especially for college kids; it is cheap, you can make it healthy, and it is ALWAYS satisfying. Also, I work for sports dietitians for the Texas A&M University baseball team, so I have become a professional pb&j maker throughout my time there. Seriously though. This recipe is a much sweeter version of any pb&j I have ever made, and I know if I brought this to work, the boys would never let me make a normal pb&j again.
For this recipe, I used Kylie’s exact bread recipe, but I made a few tweaks on my actual sandwich. As a matter of fact, I incorporated another recipe inspired by Kylie to replace the peanut butter. If you lived in my house, you would see that I probably make a recipe from Kylie’s blog at least three or four times a week, so I thought why not. I used her dark chocolate honey roasted almond butter minus the dark chocolate and extra honey to sub for peanut butter. Definitely a good choice!
When Kylie posted this olive oil, sea, salt and cocoa bread recipe, she included an idea of using the bread to make a pb&j. This is where the inspiration of incorporating not one but two recipes from immaeatthat into this Redux celebration post because I make her almond butter recipe all the time! For the jelly, I mashed blackberries in a bowl, another great recommendation if you love blackberries as much as I do. I never thought about how easy it would be to mash up berries to use for jelly until I read this recipe. Adding that to the list of things I have learned from Kylie Mitchell!
If you don’t already know who Kylie is, I highly recommend visiting her blog and reading her story. As a 20-year-old college student who had no idea what I wanted to do as a dietitian or how I could use my story in this field, Kylie has made a true impact on my future. Through her blogging, I have learned so much about myself, my relationship with food, and who I want to be as a dietitian and food blogger. I have Kylie to thank for helping in all aspects of my life, so I choose to celebrate her this month!
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