Recipe Redux: French Toast Bread Pudding {gluten free}
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Recipe Redux: French Toast Bread Pudding {gluten free}

Robinsbite intern Kylie takes the helm of Recipe Redux this month. Check out her amazing work!

Never have I ever met someone who doesn’t like dessert.

So the idea of taking a dessert and making it acceptable for breakfast is something I think everyone can get behind.  This recipe involves throwing together a quick (gluten free) bread, making a custard and assembling it all to create French Toast Bread Pudding.  It’s full of warm cinnamon and roasted pecans which is wonderfully reminiscent of pecan pie.  I’ve eaten it both hot and cold and couldn’t imagine having to choose which way I liked it best.  Topped with some greek yogurt and pecans, this creamy-seemingly-decadent-brunch recipe it exactly the happiness you need at your next May shower.

French Toast Bread Pudding {gluten free}

makes 8 small ramekins

Cinnamon Oatmeal Quick Bread {gluten free}

1 cup oat flour, packed (you can buy pre-ground oat flour or just grind oats in a blender/coffee grinder)
1/4 cup almond flour
1/3 cup dark brown sugar
1 1/2 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp salt
1 tsp baking powder
2/3 cup pecans, roughly chopped and divided
1 eggs
3 Tbsp almond milk, original
4 Tbsp applesauce, unsweetened
1/3 cup plain Greek yogurt (I used Chobani)
1 tsp vanilla extract

Preheat oven to 350F.  Grease a loaf pan with non-stick cooking spray or coconut oil and sprinkle with a little oat flour.  In a large bowl, combine oat flour, almond flour, brown sugar, cinnamon, salt, baking powder and 1/3 cup pecans.  In a separate bowl, combine egg, almond milk, applesauce, greek yogurt and vanilla extract.  Pour wet ingredients into dry ingredients and stir until combined.   Pour batter into prepared loaf pan and sprinkle remaining 1/3 cup pecans over the top.  Bake for 35-40 minutes.  May need to tent the loaf with foil near the end of baking to keep the pecans from burning.  Allow bread to cool completely before cubing.

Cinnamon Vanilla Custard Recipe

[inspired by this custard recipe]

2 cups almond milk, original
1/4 cup honey
5 eggs
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
1/2 + 1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon

Whisk together the almond milk and honey in a sauce pan over medium-high heat.  Bring mixture to a simmer whisking constantly.  Turn off heat but leave sauce pan on the stove.  In a separate bowl, whisk together eggs, vanilla extract and cinnamon until very smooth (~3 minutes).  While whisking, pour hot almond milk-honey mixture into the egg mixture in small increments, whisking after each addition.

Now it’s time to assemble your French Toast Bread Pudding.

French Toast Bread Pudding

makes 8 small ramekins

After the Cinnamon Oatmeal Quick Bread has cooled, cut the bread into ~3/4 inch cubes.  Divide bread cubes evenly among ramekins.  Pour warm custard over bread cubes and allow the ramekins to sit for 10 minutes.  At this time, preheat your oven to 350F.  After the bread pudding has sat for 10 minutes, place ramekins into the oven for 27-30 minutes, or until custard is set and doesn’t jiggle.  Serve immediately topped with Vanilla Greek Yogurt, chopped pecans and cinnamon.  Or allow custard to continue to set in the fridge for a couple hours (or even overnight) and serve cold with the same toppings.

As the first and only recipe challenge founded by registered dietitians, The Recipe ReDux aims to inspire the food lover in every healthy eater and inspire the healthy eater in every food lover. Thank you for visiting. We hope you enjoy!

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  • Liz - Meal Makeover Moms
    Posted at 09:57h, 21 May

    Robin, this recipe is beautiful, and yes, I could totally see myself eating it for breakfast. I know my kids would eat it happy. I’m pinning it now to my breakfast board 🙂

    • Kylie @ immaeatthat
      Posted at 16:32h, 23 May

      Such a fun meal ideal for kids! But even my dad and fiance got excited about this recipe haha:) I think it’s a keeper! I hope you try it out!

  • dixya| Food, Pleasure, and Health
    Posted at 11:30h, 21 May

    i could just eat that cinnamon vanilla custard by itself – sounds so delicioussssss

    • Kylie @ immaeatthat
      Posted at 16:34h, 23 May

      I’m definitely gonna make that custard again…and then some variations of that custard haha:) I already have been day dreaming about a chocolate or coconut version. But I’ll probably make the chocolate version first…priorities;)

  • Farida
    Posted at 11:46h, 21 May

    It looks divine! Thank you so much for sharing!

    • Kylie @ immaeatthat
      Posted at 16:35h, 23 May

      It was fun to take pictures of…but definitely more fun to eat haha:) Let us know if you try it out!

  • graincrazy
    Posted at 15:30h, 21 May

    This looks so yummy! I can’t wait to try it. It looks like something you could make ahead too. I love that you just used whole grains! 🙂

    • Kylie @ immaeatthat
      Posted at 16:40h, 23 May

      You could most certainly make it ahead of time! I made this recipe Sunday and I just ate my last little ramekin this morning and it tasted even better than it had the first day. The flavors just kept blending together and everything was creamy and delicious. And I’ve officially decided that eating it cold is by far my favorite way:)

  • Leah Wakefield
    Posted at 17:15h, 21 May

    Yum!! This looks amazing. Such pretty pics too. Can’t wait to try!

    • Kylie @ immaeatthat
      Posted at 16:41h, 23 May

      I’m loving Recipe Redux! Thanks for the wonderful training session that explained everything so clearly;)

  • Danielle Omar - Food Confidence RD
    Posted at 20:59h, 21 May

    Robin — your pics are great! Love this recipe, a great dessert go-to!

    • Kylie @ immaeatthat
      Posted at 16:43h, 23 May

      Thanks Danielle! Dessert or breakfast this bread pudding is just a good idea! I’m slightly obsessed with it:) And it can easily be made ahead of time which is great for a quick meal on busy mornings!

  • EA-The Spicy RD
    Posted at 13:08h, 22 May

    This looks and sounds absolutely amazing! And, gluten-free too! I am doing the french toast bread pudding happy dance 🙂

    • Kylie @ immaeatthat
      Posted at 16:46h, 23 May

      Haha I would love to see the “french toast bread pudding happy dance”:) Sounds like a very happy, wonderful thing filled with amazing dance moves;)

  • serena
    Posted at 22:28h, 24 May

    Beautiful photos Kylie! But the almond flavors in both bread and custard sound amazing….esp the custard. Might have to make that asap! Great creativity!

    • Kylie @ immaeatthat
      Posted at 22:19h, 27 May

      Thanks Serena! Way to pay attention to the details:) I love almond flavors and have recently feel in love with adding almond extract to things:) Let me know if you try it out!

  • ATasteOfMadness
    Posted at 13:13h, 30 May

    I have never tried bread pudding before, but it looks fantastic! I love this!

    • Kylie @ immaeatthat
      Posted at 23:00h, 30 May

      This would be a great recipe to break into the wonderful world of bread pudding with:))