24 Feb From the Kitchen of…Michelle Obama
Regardless of your political views of her husband, one cannot argue with the thoughtful truth delivered by Michelle Obama to six culinary students as they toured the White House kitchen the night of the Obama’s first state dinner.

WASHINGTON (CNN) – Michelle Obama invited six Maryland culinary school students into the executive kitchen Sunday before the president and first lady hosted their first state dinner.
Obama allowed the top-ranked L’Academie de Cuisine students to attend the menu briefing, explaining the dinner’s various courses and introducing them to the White House Executive Chef Cristeta Comerford. While meeting with the culinary apprentices, the first lady weighed in on locally grown foods and opened up about a struggle that most moms face — how to coax children into eating their vegetables.
“When you grow something yourself and it’s close and it’s local, oftentimes it tastes really good,” Mrs. Obama said. “And when you’re dealing with kids, for example, you want to get them to try that carrot. Well, if it tastes like a real carrot and it’s really sweet, they’re going to think that it’s a piece of candy. So my kids are more inclined to try different vegetables if they’re fresh and local and delicious.”
The first lady said the goal of the event was to “showcase some of this talent,” so the students met head pastry chef Bill Yosses, the culinary artist responsible for preparing a first family favorite — the White House huckleberry cobbler.
“Maybe one day you guys might wind up being a White House chef,” White House Social Secretary Desiree Rogers told the group.
What’s cooking in the WH kitchen? <http://politicalticker.blogs.cnn.com/2009/02/23/whats-cooking-in-the-wh-kitchen/>
From CNN’s Sarah Parker <http://politicalticker.blogs.cnn.com/tag/cnns-sarah-parker/>
A shout out to my friend and colleague Mitzi Dulan, RD-who knows how I feel about local food- for sending this my way. (www.nutritionexpert.com)
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